Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ah....My Bloggie, I forgot about you!!! Back with a vengeance this time around. The weekend was great. Spent the whole of saturday spring cleaning and re-arranging furniture in my room. Looks quite nice now, if I should say so myself. A few oddments have yet to find their proper place and at the moment, they're like floaters in search of the perfect space hehehehe. But indeed, after rearranging the place, there seems to be more space! YAY....all the more for me to roll in :P

Sunday was dullsville up till the evening when my cousins came. We spent the time talking rot untill they had to go home. After they left, I watched Blade I and Blade II on vcd back-to-back. Lots of blood and gore but I liked it. Cant wait to get hold of Blade Trinity. Interesting concept of vampires and humans co-existing. Ok thats about it from dullsville for now. Stay tuned for more updates. Cheerio!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Disaster day! Had a mini accident with the soy sauce in the kitchen. Soysauce + Rathi's clumsy fingers = major clean-up! I took the bottle and it slipped and it was nothing short of an explosion! There was soy sauce on the floor, kitchen counter, fridge, microwave, wall, towels and a few more surfaces plus the ceiling even. I spent the whole afternoon wiping the whole kitchen. Argh~ horrid.

Other than that, I am a bit upset that my mom is feeling so down. I hope she cheers up soon as that will speed her recovery. She has a bit of the 'dumping syndrome due to surgery and its causing her a lot of uneasiness and 'weakness'. Sometime's I am just so lost as to what to do to help. I pray she recovers soon.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Its 9 past at night...The weather has been that annoyingly sticky kind of weather the whole day and I even woke up from my nap with my tee-shirt stuck to my back! Something is up with the whole world in general these days; tsunamis, earthquakes, fires. terrorist attacks etc. Maybe its time people start to sit and listen. I guess all these things are just God's way of telling us that we are not all high and mighty and that we should not have the notion that we are invincible and above the rest and that life is unpredictable.

I spent the day lazing around and playing with half-formed ideas in my mind regarding my future. Lets see where things go. I read someplace ( I think it was an article in Reader's Digest) that to attain a goal, don't look at the end result that you want to achieve but to concentrate and keep doing the things that will get you to that goal. Because at times we get blinded by the excitement of the goal that we neglect the steps we need to take. to get to it.

At the moment I am concentrating on searching for jobs and applying for suitable vacancies. Have to also start working on a list of things I enjoy doing. Thats about it for now. Adios~

Saturday, May 21, 2005

The day after my birthday...it has been pouring cats and dogs since morning. Really good weather to curl up in bed with a good book and some hot cocoa. Birthday was ok, had a surprise cake from my cousin - Chocolate Gateau from Bengawan Solo. Yummy!

I am trying to change the look of my blog but I cant seem to find a skin that I like. Gosh! Decisions are so tough to make eh.

I was a bit down regarding a few things as I was worried about what others would say. But then, only I would know how it was and in actual fact, it is not as big a loss as it seemed to be in the first place. I am relieved in fact to be free of something that was draining my energy and time with no sense of appreciation.

Thats about it for now. I am going to look into more blog skins and then curl up with my book. Ciao~

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bah! I decided to start writing my blog again. At least it gives me an outlet to vent my frustrations and lets me say what I want without fear of repercussions. Sometimes, I find myself stuck in a corner and I have no one to talk to or there are some things I cant share with anyone.

So this will be the avenue by which I rant about my going ons and hopefully start writing better as well(and quit writing in SMS mode).The operative word here for me is 'therapy' I need to identify my goals and my position in life. I am still clueless about it though. Hopefully, writing everything out in black and white might help.