Monday, May 14, 2007

the way the world goes

2 months lapse since my last post, its not for lack of things to write that I havent blogged all this while. I have written so many posts up in my head while standing in the train, waiting to board a bus etc but have not got around to writing it. If you guessed as much, this post will be one of my usual rants again....

My voracious reading habit has given me very good language skills and general knowledge on a wide range of topics. A lot of times I find myself in conversations that are supposedly way beyond my education level, and yes, I manage to carry the conversation quite well.
I enjoy intellectually stimulating questions and I do my fair share of asking them as well.

But why do people take me for an idiot with the IQ of a millipede? The world's so funny...they can accept criminals back into society with wide open arms; yet they are prejudiced against people who arent highly paper qualified. Do the reasons behind the inability count at all?


Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday Colors

Most people have Monday blues; I on the other hand turn all sorts of colors way before Monday comes. It starts on saturday afternoons when I start turning as purple as a brinjal, angry that Saturday has flown by so quickly. On Sunday mornings, I am usually a bit orange as my anger would have subdued a little and usually wanes off whilst I vegetate in front of the telly watching the morning cartoons and have my much needed morning cuppa.

My grey hours start after lunch. I go about moping around the house feeling rather dull and dreary and the pall of my face will slightly resemble a dusty grey teapot. Sunday evenings bring about an intense fervour of activity to salvage the rest of the weekend, at this time I am all red and in a state of constant motion. My bedtime gets extended till very late at night as I try to stretch the hours till the work week starts.

Its only on Monday that I finally turn blue.

Friday, March 02, 2007

A row of ducks

Public transportation is really frustrating these days. I spend around 15-20 minutes waiting for the feeder service in the mornings, waiting time used to be about 5-10 minutes before. And a huge

And when the bus decides to come, Lo Behold! they arrive like ducks in a row, three at a time. Buses arent meant to act like ducks...hmm...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I simply cannot fathom what goes on in someone's mind sometimes. Do they really think about repercussions before they speak?
The world is getting crazier by the moment, it just isn't sane anymore.

But do I let the crazy ones get to me, or do I strive on and plod my way through the relentless obstructions till I reach my destiny?

I need to scream now.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Impish Patient

My father underwent cataract surgery on his left eye two days ago. If there is one thing that is true, he is being a mighty big pain in the butt for everyone.

He keeps on doing all that he is not supposed to do. He squeezes his eyes shut tightly many times on and off, claiming that the eye itches. Football keeps him glued to the telly screen, when he is not supposed to be even watching the tv. That head of his keeps moving almost 360 degrees all the time.

I have two solutions to stop him from doing all of this. First, take a long pole and hammer it onyo his back, neck and head, so that he cant move his upper torso. Second, is to take a big log and to hit him over the head with so that we get to hear less whining and it will also get him to remain still.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Ever wonder how some people walk through their lives treating everyone except themselves as if we mere plebians were born just to be of service to these 'beings'. They strut around, puffing their chests out, and expect their legion of plebians to do their bidding. And nope, not a thank you or a please interjected into their commands.

These people have no sense of humility and consider themselves placed just a wee notch below God, or perhaps even at par with God.

Respect for fellow mankind is the most simplest act. Alas, it is also a two-way process. It can only be earned through humbleness and care taken in the words we speak.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Someone said to me that I have changed recently....and for the worse. Wake up call for me I guess. I wasnt even aware that I am behaving weird these days. But one thing I know for sure is that from now on, I am going to make a concious effort to think before I speak or do things and to make sure it doesnt affect the people around me. If anyone of you has been offended by me in someway, knowingly or otherwise, I sincerely apologise.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Super Healthy

I just had the most healthiest of lunches today. Had a bowl of Chicken Stew which had mushrooms, carrots, celery, some unidentified vegetables and chicken (DUH! what did you expect in chicken stew?). This came with a small bread roll. To finish off I had a small bowl of cut pineapples (really sweet ones), strawberries and kiwi fruit.

Surprisingly I feel full and the fruit actually managed to satisfy my sweet tooth. Now if only I can keep this up at least every other day....that would be a start to getting more healthy.

I think its time to start taking some care with what I put in my mouth. All sorts of illnesses are popping up these days and I dont want to become part of the statistics any time soon.

Have to get back to work now. Ciao!