Monday, January 08, 2007

Super Healthy

I just had the most healthiest of lunches today. Had a bowl of Chicken Stew which had mushrooms, carrots, celery, some unidentified vegetables and chicken (DUH! what did you expect in chicken stew?). This came with a small bread roll. To finish off I had a small bowl of cut pineapples (really sweet ones), strawberries and kiwi fruit.

Surprisingly I feel full and the fruit actually managed to satisfy my sweet tooth. Now if only I can keep this up at least every other day....that would be a start to getting more healthy.

I think its time to start taking some care with what I put in my mouth. All sorts of illnesses are popping up these days and I dont want to become part of the statistics any time soon.

Have to get back to work now. Ciao!

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