Thursday, December 14, 2006


My days are filled with the chitter chatter of wonderful people who jest and simply make me laugh out loud with nary a care in the world. Their quick witted remarks fire my equally clever witted answers. I find myself being constantly around people, and I enjoy it.

Yet, there are times where I find myself alone, amidst all that chitter chatter. Deep inside, a dull ache surfaces and tugs at my heartstrings. Despite the beautiful companions I have found, there is a longing for someone who will delve deeper inside me, someone special to share my funny anecdotes with. Sometimes I find myself asking God when I will meet my mate. She doesnt really give me a reply, but then again, everything is done at Her own time, a time which She knows is best for me.

I still cant help feeling sad at times though. I turn into myself and shut myself inside my cocoon and ponder on how nice it would be to find that person. Its painfully sad when I go out shopping alone, and I realise that I am the only single person wandering around. Sighs.... The show must go on eh?


Anonymous said...

All in good time..Rathi..! trust me.. :) If i could turn the clock back.. i wouldn't have wasted all my time on others.. i would have just waited for Papa Bok to come along.. :)
Like i said.. i can play matchmaker .. if you like.. :) i know a few good men... here. :)

maggie said...

how do u know god is a woman. haahaha.