Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dreams of the Ssslippery kind

I always dream of snakes....At first it used to creep me out. And I used to awaken from my dream and look down on the floor to see if a snake was really there.

Sometimes a huge snake would be chasing me through the roads and when its almost about to get me, I would fly off and soar through the air. Other times, the snake would strike me and I will wake up gasping for air. A couple of times, I have dreamt that there was a snake in the house and I would be sitting on top of a cupboard in fright because of it.

My most recent dream was that I found a HUGE yellowish white snake (not a cobra, looked more like a Boa Constrictor/Python) in my parents room. It was huge and coiled up. I cant remember what I did after seeing it, but I remember the snake itself very vividly. The next part is what scared me, I went to the room to tell everyone to go away as there was a snake in the house and I discovered that the puppy had been bitten. And I managed to save the puppy somehow! How weird is that?

People say that dreams are manifestations of our innermost thoughts and intentions. I do not know how true it is. But I have had a lot of instances of de'ja vu whereby I find myself in situations that I have seen in my dreams before. weird.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya.. that's wierd.. the dreams.. about snake..! i wonder what it means.. eh..??