Sunday, August 14, 2005

I absolutely loathe working on saturdays. I end up being a big grump on Monday cos the weekend flies by so fast, I hardly have time to sit and breathe. ARGH!!!

Getting busier at work. I should start growing more hands a.k.a octopus so I can accomplish more at one go. Sometimes, the phone rings and I am rushing on something and I just forget that I have to answer the phone call! sighz...

Watched Shark Tale yesterday. Very funny movie and the fish Oscar looked exactly like Will Smith!!!


Anonymous said...

Trying owning a business.. and then you know.. !! hahah!!
My brat loves.. shark tale..!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Rathi said...

Oh no...spammers again. annoying idiots.

Big Bok...I sympathise with you. You guys probably have no off-days. I should shut up and complain less!!!