Saturday, September 10, 2005

Is it possible to sell people off to the pig farm? If anyone has any idea how to, please let me know! I want to sell my so called aunt off.

She came and knocked at my door at the unearthly hour of 6.45am. I mean ccome on, cant she come later? Inconsiderate. And because of her, I had to wake up at 7am on my off day and go buy groceries and juice for her and scrub the toilets and the kitchen. AAAA I am going to scream now.

I think I am gonna go for my eyebrow threading. ITs less torture compared to having to stay here with her around.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing..!!
Why do you need to do all that for her..??? besides her being your aunt.???

Anonymous said...

Much of New Orleans Will Be Drained by October, Officials Say
Federal officials said Saturday that much of New Orleans will be drained by mid-October, nearly twice as fast as originally projected, as the obliterated city showed small but substantive signs of recovery.
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