Tuesday, September 13, 2005


If you see the front page of today's newspaper, there is a very prominent article on two guys being charged for racial comments on forums.

It is unfair to comment on an entire group of people based on the actions of a certain few. Just because some extreme muslims are terrorising the world in lieu of 'jihad' it doesnt mean that every muslim is bad. If one indian smells of coconut oil in the train, it does not mean that every indian smells. If one african american is poor, it really doesnt mean that their entire community is impoverished. Should there be a few european guys who travel to Thailand to look for young children to have sex with, it doesnt mean that entire europe is filled with paedophiles.

I respect every religion and I expect my believes and thoughts to be respected as well. All these kinds of deragatory remarks and discriminations are like looking up and spitting. Ultimately the spit falls on yourself. Look inside yourself before you make unfair comments or judge others based on their colour/ race or religion. There are good things and bad things about everyone. No one is perfect. If you are so perfect, then you might be schizophrenic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said ..Rathi! well said..!