Sunday, January 15, 2006

Want to be Free

A lot of things are happening with my life. I just feel like packing my essentials and setting off on a backpacking trip. At each country I stop, I will work for money for my board and travel money and then move on. Along the way, there will be some charity work that I do.

Somehow, this idea greatly appeals to me. I do not like being tied down here and have no hold on my life. I need a sense of purpose desperately. Bored of life, work, people... My craving for change is growing stronger each day.

I guess I am just too disappointed with myself and a lot of things that makes me simply want to run away. The more I deny my urge to spread my wings a fly, the more frustrated I get. These days, I simply feel nothing. I am nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we all feel this way.. eh..??
I think after having chloe ... my purpose in life.. became more meaningful.
Come visit me..???
Oh.. btw.. if you are sending me something.. would you be kind enough to send me some mee siam paste from Prima Taste..?? let me know how much.. and i'll send it to you .. :) but donch feel obligated.. if you are busy.. :) i am just having one of my crazy cravings..hehehe!!