Sunday, December 24, 2006

I miss holding hands

I feel his strong male fingers inter-twining between my own....his fingers move down, meeting the ring I wear on my right hand...he stops subtly....and gently caresses my ring like a seductive lover with the tip of his finger... his exploration of my hands travel further as his fingers encounter my palms..which are undoubtedly burning hot under his ministrations.....his thumbs slowly outline the lines of my palm, tracing the very fate lines that brought us together at this moment...his hand now moves down and matches my finger tips, his palm now encircling small my own hands feel within the cushion of his....his hands begin a warm languorous embrace with mine...spooning so closely with my fingers... slowly evoking and stirring desires in me that I have not known existed before...

No I am not trying to write por*n. Just feeling very lonesome and I miss the simple yet complex action of holding hands.... Sighs... Where for art thou romeo?

Thursday, December 14, 2006


My days are filled with the chitter chatter of wonderful people who jest and simply make me laugh out loud with nary a care in the world. Their quick witted remarks fire my equally clever witted answers. I find myself being constantly around people, and I enjoy it.

Yet, there are times where I find myself alone, amidst all that chitter chatter. Deep inside, a dull ache surfaces and tugs at my heartstrings. Despite the beautiful companions I have found, there is a longing for someone who will delve deeper inside me, someone special to share my funny anecdotes with. Sometimes I find myself asking God when I will meet my mate. She doesnt really give me a reply, but then again, everything is done at Her own time, a time which She knows is best for me.

I still cant help feeling sad at times though. I turn into myself and shut myself inside my cocoon and ponder on how nice it would be to find that person. Its painfully sad when I go out shopping alone, and I realise that I am the only single person wandering around. Sighs.... The show must go on eh?

Monday, November 20, 2006

100th POST

YAY! I have finally reached my 100th post. It sure took a long time to reach here with my very laggy postings and all. But hey! Its all good.

Ok I know I promised to write about my new job. well, I am into 2nd week at this new place. What can I say, I'm Loving It. The colleagues and superiors are friendly and approachable. The organisation had a very cute way of extending their welcome to the staff. On the first day of work, they give out 'welcome boxes' which contain a list of important phone numbers, stationery, email information, a bookmark from the human resource that has my name and start date on it, a bottle of essence of chicken (to counter the lethargy of the first day at work i suppose) and a welcome letter. In whole its a very warm and fuzzy feeling.

Yes there are a lot of hurdles for me to overcome since I have never had the experience of working in such a huge organisation before. But it isnt as bad as I had expected. I did not sleep a wink the night before I started work, and I had a lot of butterflies in my tummy due to apprehension.

I dont really want to give the exact workplace details though...privacy issues and all you see. However, I can reveal that the post is that of a Junior Officer dealing with the youth sector of the organisation. Meetings can be literally a major pain in the butt though :P Alright, adios amigos. Thanks for all your good wishes. I shall get back to work now.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Encounters of the Weird Kind

This was so damn embarassing. I actually met a quite prominent person in the lift at work today and I chatted her with her like she was a fellow employee. Didnt realise that she was a prominent person. Haiyo! Embarassing!

If you are wondering, yes, I have a new job now. More about it over the weekend. I practically feel like a zombie.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Why do people assume things without knowing the reality? Why do they prefer not to trust my words, and instead they go about looking at me with a suspicious eye?

I dont have a boyfriend. Yet, each time I go out with my friends, my mother asks me which guy I went out with. I am 25 years old for God's sake. I dont pub/club and I come home by 10pm at night. Why is it so hard for them to just trust my words for once?

When I was young, I wasnt allowed to bring friends home and I wasnt allowed to go to their homes either; not even for a buddy's birthday party. I couldn't make or receive phone calls to my friends unless it was school related. I never went for a movie with any friends till I was 17 (after secondary school) and that too was done in secret for fear of getting scoldings from the parents. There were days when a few classmates used to go out to Mcdonald's after school to get sundaes, I was the one who had to go home the moment the school bell rang. It might be because of this that I do not have as many friends as I ought to have.

The number of times I went for a movie with the parents, I can count in one hand. 3 times exactly; Ferngully, Flintstones and some movie about a witch with a cauldron. We (my sis and I) lived the life of a recluse. Bedtime was strictly at 9pm sharp, no ifs and buts. When we got home from school, we had to automatically shower and rest a while before we had to do our homework and watch a little tv before dinner. After dinner, we could read or play computer games before we had to hit the bed. We weren't even allowed to run down to the store for sweets or ice-cream.

Yes, I didn't have any wants when I was young, in terms of material needs. But there was never a more pathetic existence. Even now, at this age, my every move is controlled by the parents. If I am on the telephone with a friend, everyone immediately assumes that I am whispering sweet-nothings to a boy friend. When I inform them that I am going out, they look at me suspiciously and ask me which guy I am roaming with.

Give me a break please! You should be happy that I am not getting high on drugs or sleeping around with a few guys. I am not doing anything illegal either. All I do is meet up with friends for a cup of coffee and a chat. Why is that so tough to digest?

I feel like screaming. Do they want me to go pick up some bum from the streets just to prove them right?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Pictures! Pictures!


This is my favourite part of the house...

Ganesha relaxing on Diwali Day! hehehehe

My attempt at macro shots

OKAY! more pics later...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Diwali! (late post)

Happy Diwali!!! Ooops my post is a few days too late due to all that Diwali cleaning and cooking and washing. My bones are still complaining after all that non-stop work. I have some pictures to share, but I have to run to the vet with the puppy now. Will be back!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Wrong Number

The home phone rang a while ago and I picked up...

Me: Hello
Unknown Bird-brained lady (UBL): Hallo
Me: Yes?
UBL: place is this?
Me: HUH?
UBL: I want to know what place is this.
Me: HUH? You called me and you are asking me what place this is?
UBL: Ya, I want to know what place is this.
Me: How did you get this number and who are you?
UBL: Er...Sorry I think I got the wrong number.

Weirdo-Mundo. Very weird people out there. But hahaha I have her telephone number on my caller ID. Shall I call her back and ask her 'What place is this?'.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Idiotic people

The previous post, in case any of you were wondering, is about my sister's husband. I have never come across such a manipulative and calculating person in my life. And to set the record straight, I have never been this furious in my life.
Just today, he brought his friend over for a meal without asking anyone if it was ok to do so. Yesterday was packed lunch for the friend, and today its bringing the friend home for a meal. My mom had her lunch at 3pm yesterday because she prepared the food and served my sister's husband and packed the food for his friend and then had lunch. Just because the friend is his business partner, none of us are obliged to entertain him or to do things for him. I am not being petty about food, but this shouldnt become a convenient habit.

And yes, I am literally seeing red because this is the friend with whom he set up the company with. There were many crappy excuses on why they couldnt employ me there, while the actual reason was because they simply did not think I was worth or smart enough to be employed in their high-tech, high-flying office. In what way am I less able or in what way did I fault him to give me that kind of shit.

So am I wrong in picking fights and feeling upset all the time? Why do I have to be nice and tolerate someone who does not bother about me at all? It is not something that is impossible for him to have done, knowing my situation. The hurt simply boils inside me and keeps burning me with anger. Each time I see his face, I just get so irritated at even the smallest things he does or says. He can actually comment that I am antisocial, but he doesnt know that I am just keeping my mouth shut because I do not want to scream at him. But sadly, I am really disgusted at people's attitudes.

There is really no meaning in relatives etc. It is all a lie. Once their work is done, you are cast off like a pair of worn boots. Every person has to stand up for his or her own and look after their affairs first. Because at the end of the day, its those closest to you who like to mock you when you are at your lowest.

Monday, October 02, 2006


There are some people who are born in this world just to be of inconvenience to others. They sweet talk and bribe with small and OH so very sweet gestures, but at the back, their minds work overtime to see how and where they can take advantage in double. When one is so educated and supposedly in a higher level than all the rest of us lowly plebians, isnt it common sense that a person with health problems needs rest? Is it nice to take advantage and ride on a person's welcome and pretend like its a right owed to him? And yet, the so-called smartie cannot offer help to one who is in dire need when he can easily do so if he really is concerned as he claims.

You are so fake and yet you walk around all high and mighty. No one owes you anything. What have you done in return for all that they have done for you?

You earn much much more than 75% of the country, cant you afford to foot your own bills for your own expenditures and for your own life? When someone gives it to you, and you know that the person is not well to do and old, cant you open your mouth and say NO? And yet you have abused and hurt the person numerous times over petty things and called names that hurt. Doesnt it ever gnaw on your conscience? That person does so many things for your wellbeing and is so concerned about you and wishes to see you succeed, but have you ever inquired about that person's health? It is always about you you and you.
Even if you cant be of help, you shouldnt be a pain. But sadly you have not even an ounce of gratitude. You act nice now but when your vicious plans dont work, you will start hurling rocks.
A person who lives of others, is in essence no better than a blood sucking leech.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Where Do I Run?

Where do I run to? Nothing is working out. No one seems to give a damn, but they wont leave me alone either. All I hear is that I am never good enough.

I am never smart enough to get a proper job; Never pretty enough to get a boyfriend; Never enthusiastic enough about life; Never dressed well enough to not look like a fat slob all the time; Never good enough for anything else than to sit in front of the computer; Never motivated enough to do more than what is asked of me; Never friendly enough to make friends and acquaintances; Never good enough to do anything worth!

Where do I run to get away from myself?

Friday, September 22, 2006



At this moment I seem to have a lot of 'WHYS' in my life. It has begun to eat me up from the inside and now there is a gnawing uncertainty playing constantly at the back of my mind.

Whatever activity I happen to be doing, I cant seem to be able to stop this background worrying. If only there was a switch to turn it off and on. Sighs...

Well, I have not been blogging due to the fact that has become stagnated and there is nothing worth writing about. I could go on about dull and mundane things like how the IMF must have cost a bomb because I am seeing flowers all over Suntec and Orchard or I could crib on how hot the weather has become that I might melt into a puddle of human on the sidewalk someday soon.... BUT I am not going to blog about all that.

From my reading of other blogs, I at least see other bloggers' lives' moving forward, or at the very least moving backwards. Mine seems to have gotten stuck with superglue.

OK...Sorry about this absolutely nonsense entry. I am officially insane and in the drain.

If reading my entry causes your grey matter to erode and leak from your orifices, please do not blame me. GAH.

Now, ask yourself, WHY you read my blog today.....

Monday, September 04, 2006

Blogging Tornado! Phew...

Heh...My third post for the day. I dont think I have ever done this many posts in one day.

Anyways this is a real quick post, more of an update actually. My mom went for her review at the doctor's last friday and the doctor has given her the all clear. It doesnt mean that she is perfectly fine though, she will require a lifetime of monitoring, tests and medication. The all clear is just for the tests she underwent a week ago. Still, it is a slight relieve to know that the tests turned out ok.

Was praying hard that it wouldnt be something bad. And thank you for your prayers too Mama Bok.

New House

Here are a few pictures taken during our housewarming (9 July 2006). Click on any pic during the slideshow to view a bigger picture. Will post more house pics once we have everything arranged.

I dont want to give anyone a shock when they see how messy and unorganised the house is at the moment!



A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day,
drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother.
As they talked about life, about marriage,
about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood,
the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully
and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter.

"Don't forget your Sisters," she advised,
swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass.
"They'll be more important as you get older.
No matter how much you love your husband,
no matter how much you love the children you may have,
you are still going to need Sisters.

Remember to go places with them now and then;
do things with them.

"Remember that 'Sisters' means ALL the women...
your girlfriends, your daughters
and all your other women relatives too.
"You'll need other women - Women always do."

'What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought.
'Haven't I just gotten married?
Haven't I just joined the couple-world?
I'm now a married woman, for goodness sake!
A grown-up! Surely my husband and the family we may start
will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!'

But she listened to her Mother.
She kept contact with her Sisters
and made more women friends each year.
As the years tumbled by, one after another,
she gradually came to understand
that her Mom really knew what she was talking about.

As time and nature work their changes
and their mysteries upon a woman,
Sisters are the mainstays of her life.
After more than 50 years of living in this world,
here is what I've learned: THIS SAYS IT ALL:

Time passes. Life happens.
Distance separates. Children grow up.
Jobs come and go. Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do. Hearts break.
Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Careers end.

BUT......... Sisters are there,
no matter how much time
and how many miles are between you.
A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley
and you have to walk it by yourself,
the women in your life will be on the valley's rim,
cheering you on, praying for you,
pulling for you, intervening on your behalf,
and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules
and walk beside you.
Or come in and carry you out.

Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,
daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law,
Mothers, Grandmothers, Auntie's, nieces, cousins,
and extended family, all bless our life!
The world wouldn't be the same without women,
and neither would I.

When we began this adventure called womanhood;
we had no idea of the incredible joys
or sorrows that lay ahead.
Nor did we know how much we would need each other.

Every day, we need each other still.
Pass this on to all the women who help make your life meaningful.

I just did.


Got this in my email today. Somehow it has summed up a lot of what I feel. I am fortunate to have a lot of wonderful 'Sisters' in my life. Not forgetting the few precious ones whom I have not seen in person, and yet, I feel so comfortable with them as if I have known them for years. Yes, this includes you Mama Bok, Maygs, Aunty Padmasani (I hope I have not left someone out!) and anyone else who reads my blog and has given me encouragement when I needed it the most.

No one is obliged to sit and read someone's blog, let alone feel for them or have to write them a few words to let them know that they are not alone.

The internet is a really strange place. There are so many bad things about it that its scary. But like a small ray of sunshine, these are the good things that makes the internet a better place. For this, I am thankful!

Monday, August 21, 2006


I just saw a movie called 'Dawn Anna'. It entails the struggle of a single mother who contracts a rare form of cancer and her big struggle towards her road to recovery from the disease. Thats basically the gist of the story. Go watch it if you can.

Anyways, this entry isnt about the movie, it is about my mother. My mom has been struggling with a combination of Gastrinoma and Carcinoma - 2 rare cancer forms for the past 3 years. From diagnosis till today, her life has been filled with numerous surgeries, procedures, scans, tests, pain, doctor appointments, hospital stays and medications by the bus load. Parts of her intestines, stomach, gall bladder, spleen etc have been removed to try and halt the progress of the cancer. To further increase all her suffering, she has been recently diagnosed as having Parkinson's disease due to trauma from major surgery.

There have been days, usually right after a major surgery, where I have been afraid to go to sleep or to wake up in the morning because I was afraid that something drastic might have happened to my mom while I was asleep. I have sat outside the operation theatres in a morbid state of fear for more times than I would like to remember. My mother has spent a month in a row, violently throwing up bitter green bile after a surgery, these were the times when she could hardly lift herself off the bed without help from someone. At one point in time, she was refusing food because she just didnt want to throw up. Once, I was helping her up from the sofa and it was a bit difficult because the sofa seat was sunken in, my mom got so frustrated with herself that she just started crying in my arms because she felt so helpless.

You know what the most miserable part for me is? Although I can see her suffer and see her in pain, there is nothing I can do to help her at all. It hurts so much deep inside that when all of it overwhelms me, I cry myself to sleep at night. When I see her hand shaking uncontrollably, it feels as if someone is throwing arrows right at my heart. She has always been a very independent woman and she is the one who kept her family running before getting married to my father. Why such blows for her?

Whenever I pray at home or at the temple, i automatically start getting choked up with tears and I end up sobbing my eyes out. Why must all this happen to my mom? And why doesnt God even give me the power to give her everything her heart desires and keep her happy? I wish I had the money to take her to a few nice places for holidays. I wish I had a car to drive her around as she pleases, to go shopping or to meet her friends for a chat and coffee. I wish I could buy her a big house with a big garden. I wish I can employ maids so that my mom doesnt have to lift a finger to do housework. I wish I could make her proud by getting a degree. I wish I could just make all her worries go away.

I just want to make her happy, is that too much to ask? But life is never very fair isnt it.
Its very painful for me to see all that she is undergoing and to give her the strength when I am being torn apart inside. This is living hell, there can be no pain bigger than the torture I am going through right now. I just love my mom so much, that if it was possible, I would gladly suffer in place of her with a smile on my face.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

pic post

Where are the pics?....
Blogger isnt letting me upload any....
To be continued...

Long ago...

How long has it been since I last blogged? idea. Anyways my posts were bordering on neurotic derangement and I am glad I stopped before I started ranting like a lunatic.

Life goes on no matter what happens. People go away and some people get together. Thats life I guess and disappointment goes hand in hand with this. Enough about it, I shall explain in detail some other time.

I am looking for a challenging job. But its a bit slow in happening although I am confident that I will land the job I desire and like. Its torture to go to work everyday when you dont like the job you do. For me, I simply abhor sitting at a desk and banging away on the computer. I dont get to interact with people much, (small company) and that is making me very miserable. I want to feel that I am doing my part in making someone's life better. Not just to help the company make money and I dont even get appreciated for the donkey hours I put in.

Life goes on...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Everything and anything that can go wrong has gone wrong just within the past 5 days. Its still going wrong.

I have had it up to my neck with the way the bosses are treating me. I am not a bloody slave. Today's episode really leaves me fuming. There were some important calls I had to take due to some house issues. Just twice I had to go out of the office to discuss something important. And the moment I came in I got a huge telling off from the boss that if I was going to go out to answer personal calls and not be able to look after the office phone, then I can take my phone and leave. I was really stunned with what he said and if I hadnt managed to take control of my emotions, I would have started crying.

Although they leave me alone in the office most times, I have not abused my privileges and made/received unnecessary calls during work hours. even when they are around and a call comes in on my mobile, I cut the line and call the person back during lunch.

Dont they have the decency and the brains to judge. Or the least they can do is to have asked me why I needed to take the calls. Instead,shouting at me like an uncouth barbarian is crazy. They are well educated and so much older than me, dont they know how to handle such things.

I am mighty pissed off with their attitude towards me. I am not serving a prison sentence during office hours whereby I cannot make/ take calls on my mobile. Am not an idiot like them to not know how to behave.

This whole month I have been so stressed and overworked. Even did manual labour for them and stayed back so many hours to help the office shifting. This is the kind of gratitude I get. I neglected my own house shifting even and these basket cases take me for a jolly idiot.

Just because the company isnt doing too good, it doesnt mean that I am their punching bag to vent their frustrations on. I might just be an employee, but I have feelings too. I am just so sick of this work and this workplace. Ingrates, all of them.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

In the end, Its all been naught

It must have been a horrendous crime or act of treason akin to the atomic bomb or the 911 tragedy

When one bad deed or ill word outweighs a million other good ones.

So very little in value were the camaraderie, well intentions, kind assurances, sincere concerns, shared experiences and happy moments.

In the end, It's all been naught.

*P.S. To anyone who reads my blog. I am on hiatus till further notice. Leave me a message or send me an email if you need to contact me.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


AAaaahh... I am having withdrawal symptoms because I stopped taking the c0deine cough syrup which the doctor prescribed. Its horrible..... I keep breaking out in sweats on and off. The stomach cramps are the worst. Its like sitting on a rollercoaster that is perpetually moving upside down. Migraine attacks, lack of appetite, feeling cold all of a sudden and nausea.... Sighs...all this just because I took the medicine for a mere 6 days. And now, I am like a junkie on cold turkey. I pity myself. I hope the symptoms go away soon. I am tired of being sick.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dreams of the Ssslippery kind

I always dream of snakes....At first it used to creep me out. And I used to awaken from my dream and look down on the floor to see if a snake was really there.

Sometimes a huge snake would be chasing me through the roads and when its almost about to get me, I would fly off and soar through the air. Other times, the snake would strike me and I will wake up gasping for air. A couple of times, I have dreamt that there was a snake in the house and I would be sitting on top of a cupboard in fright because of it.

My most recent dream was that I found a HUGE yellowish white snake (not a cobra, looked more like a Boa Constrictor/Python) in my parents room. It was huge and coiled up. I cant remember what I did after seeing it, but I remember the snake itself very vividly. The next part is what scared me, I went to the room to tell everyone to go away as there was a snake in the house and I discovered that the puppy had been bitten. And I managed to save the puppy somehow! How weird is that?

People say that dreams are manifestations of our innermost thoughts and intentions. I do not know how true it is. But I have had a lot of instances of de'ja vu whereby I find myself in situations that I have seen in my dreams before. weird.....

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Indian-Style Carrot Pudding ;)

What a better way to continue on my theme of food for the day than to cook up some yummilicious Carrot Pudding (better known as Carrot Halwa).

I decided to make a low-fat and low-sugar version of Carrot Halwa....eaten warm, its so decadent and yet healthy! Yums!

Without further ado, I present Rathi's Carrot Halwa...... *drool people*

Puppy Chow

I think I can start a business is gourmet doggy meals because I seem to be cooking a wide variety of meals for the puppy ( who is not technically a puppy now @ 14 months :P). And now that puppy has had a taste of the wide variety of foods available, puppy is impartial to home cooked food. Store bought pet foods get the snub! hehehehe..... its so funny.

So far, I have cooked

1) Spiral Organic Pasta with ground chicken/lamb in a tomato and carrot based sauce.
2) Lamb and Barley with green peas
3) Oats and chicken pieces with brocolli
4) Rice cooked in chicken broth with a tomato based sauce with chicken pieces
5) Chicken/Lamb and carrots with rosemary and wholemeal bread
6) Fish with potato and garlic mash with bread/rice
Tonight I am going to try a pseudo burger with ground lamb and bread....hehehe

The list is a bit too long here....but if anyone needs any recipes, just give me a holler via email.

I think homecooking for pets is rewarding when you see your little four-legged friend slurping up his food with his tail wagging. Pet foods are not exactly made with the freshest ingredients or the best quality meats and they contain a high sodium content. Even top brand pet foods have a lot of additives and are made from animal by products i.e. animal bones, beaks, feathers etc; when its all ground up, you wont know the difference!

It might be a bit difficult to fulfill a doggy's nutritional needs so its best to always supplement with a vitamin everyday(Ask your vet for advice on vitamin supplements). Also, if your dog has sensitive skin, stay away from chicken.

I do give the puppy can foods on occasions, but I stick with high-end organic brands.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Remember that cough I had 2 weeks ago, well its still here. I have been to the doctor 3 times and been given an exhorbitantly priced antibiotic ($2.30 a tablet. I had to take 5 tablets a day for 6 days. You do the math!)
And yet I only have a brief respite from the non-stop cough which makes me end up breathless. I cant even walk from my home to the bus stop without feeling out of breath. Lungs are infected it seems....
I went to the doctor again tonight. He has recommended an x-ray to see whats going on.

Here comes the good part.....I get a day off!!! But I will probably spend most of the day at the clinics so ..... no point la!


Sunday, February 12, 2006


I am fat so I cannot eat fried stuffs it seems. Sudden revelation from the judicial members in the family a.k.a. all of them except me.

Oh, you shouldnt eat fried foods, you are fat! thats what they said to me this morning. And the best part is, the loudspeaker(my mother's idiotic sister) said we are all finding a groom for you, you must lose weight. So what? Did I tell them to look for a groom for me? I am definitely not interested in being tied down to a chauvinistic typical indian guy who will monitor my every movement. Someone who will say I cannot wear shorts at home, who will say I cannot go out and come home late, an idiot who will say that I have to cook and slog for him like a maid and yet be accomodating to his fancies when he feels like it.

Do I go around telling the loudspeaker that she looks like a bloody wayang character with so much powder on her face? No I dont. Do I tell her that she speaks so loud on the phone that the whole block would be able to hear her conversation? There is a lot more than this, but I dont say a thing to her. And yet, she just shoots her mouth off at me.

Even my parents were nagging me this morning that I am fat. I have tried so many methods of dieting and nothing works. So what if I am fat? I am good in so many other ways.

I am fat. So BITE ME!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Shut up

I am going to shut up from now on. Everything I do or say, simply backfires and gives me a slap right back on my face.

I am just a sorry excuse for a human being.

I may or may not update my blog. I dont know. But all I know now is that I get into trouble for everything I do. Bye.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Letting go

Life is merely an Illusion.
Nothing we have in this world is brought by us,
Nor are we going to take anything with us when we leave this world.

Relationships come in between, but it is not permanant.
Yet why does it hurt so much when someone goes away?
Why the craving to hold something that is like air and cannot be controlled?

Can I let go? The teardrops I shed at night while sleep deludes me, the memories some place holds of the fun times we had, when I see a cuddly bear in the store that I know the other person will like, when my heart tugs at me upon hearing a song that the cherished one likes...thats when my resolve falters.

Time does not lessen hurt. It becomes a constant painful reminder of that missing piece of puzzle in one's life. Of how things would have been IF they were with me. But it is not to be....and yet, I cannot let go.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Warrior of Light

every warrior of light has felt afraid of going into battle.
every warrior of light has trodden a path that was not his.
every warrior of light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.
every warrior of light has, at least one, believed that he was not a warrior of light.
every warrior of light has said 'yes' when he wanted to say 'no'.
every warrior of light has hurt someone he loved.
that is why he is a warrior of light,
because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.

-Paulo Coelho

*being inspired by 'Music'. Thanks so much gal. I am so in love with his works now.

Working on Sick Leave

Remember that cough I told you about, tyes, well, it ended up with me having 2 days of MC for it. Diagnosis: Respiratory Tract Infection, its just a fancy name for a nasty cough that sounds like the piling work they do at construction sites.
The doctor plyed me with 2 kinds of antibiotics, cough mixture and insisted i go home and sleep it off.
I took all of the medicines and came right back to work. Thats how it is. 'They' dont get happy even when I am genuinely sick and cant come to work. It is not like I adore falling sick that I go get myself sick on purpose.
My immunity is down I suppose from all the stress and lack of sleep. Getting wet in the crazy rain is not helping much either.

Anyways, I hope the cough goes away soon because when you start coughing on the trains/buses etc, people start looking at you like you have some funky disease. And also, I want to enjoy the holidays without having to be sick.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Quick post

*waves* hallO!!! Sorry for the long silence. I didnt die or something, but I seriously lack inspiration to write. But, here is a quickie post for me to pen a few things....

- WE BOUGHT A FLAT!!! All along, we have been living in tiny 4-room flats, but recently decided to buy a 5-room flat! And the previous owners have done it up very nicely with a lot of dark wood fittings. I am soo excited that I can hardly keep myself from talking about it to everyone and anyone who would listen. We have to start packing this house up and that is something I am dreading....BUT, I am still very much excited about the prospect of a bigger flat...
Pictures will follow soon...I promise.

- I am on my third cup of iced coffee for the day and yet my eyes can hardly open. I just cannot wait for the long holiday weekend. Need sleep desperately.

- I started job hunting again. Its a tedious long process with a lot of downhills. But, this job I have now is not very stable right now...SighZ....

- Did i mention I was extremely sleepy? I nearly fell asleep at the meeting

- I have a bad chesty cough now and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it doesnt blow up into a full fledged cold.

Thats about it....

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Sony took over Konica Minolta...P & G took over Gillette......see the pattern here?

One day when we wake up, the whole world is going to be made up of just one brand name.

"BRAND" takes over EARTh!!! Whahahaha *insert evIL laughter here*

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I was scrolling through a few private schools on the web because I am tired of sitting on my butt and waiting for the right opportunity for me to continue my studies.

The one thing that I am a bit apprehensive about is that it costs an awful lot of money. Something which is over my limits. So now I really dont know. I dont want to commit myself to a course and then drop out of it halfway due to lack of funds.

This is just mighty frustrating. I want to study!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Narnia in review

Anyone watched Narnia yet? (I wont mention names but one goondu who was supposed to see this movie with me, saw it with someone else instead! "GOONDU you know who you are! GRRR")

I read this book when I was very young, I think around 7 yrs of age. (Yes, I do read a lot). The movie actually refreshed my memories of me huddling under the blankets with a torchlight, reading this book and trying to be as quiet as possible so that I do not wake everyone in the house. My parents had a strict bed time policy you see.

This movie far surpassed my expectations. The picturisation was wonderful. The only flak I found was that the lion, Aslan could have been portrayed with a more regal look. He just looked like a sad goat in a lion's disguise. Other than that, it was a very captivating and enchanting journey into the wardrobe.

Go watch!!! I cant wait for the rest of the Narnia movies.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Want to be Free

A lot of things are happening with my life. I just feel like packing my essentials and setting off on a backpacking trip. At each country I stop, I will work for money for my board and travel money and then move on. Along the way, there will be some charity work that I do.

Somehow, this idea greatly appeals to me. I do not like being tied down here and have no hold on my life. I need a sense of purpose desperately. Bored of life, work, people... My craving for change is growing stronger each day.

I guess I am just too disappointed with myself and a lot of things that makes me simply want to run away. The more I deny my urge to spread my wings a fly, the more frustrated I get. These days, I simply feel nothing. I am nothing.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


There is a worrying trend of converts being more fanatical than others. I just do not understand this whole issue. The most irritating thing is when people who convert, start condemning their renounced religion and start criticising family practices etc.

No one knows or has ever seen God. All the religions that we have today ultimately point to a single higher power who dictates our lives.It is just that the paths we choose to reach that higher power are different.

God and religion is necessary to enrich a person's live. But when your whole live is just revolving around your religion, so much so that you hurt others with your words and actions, then you are not fit to call yourself a devotee. If you sit and spend your day criticising other religions, then you are not spending that time in learning what your chosen religion has to offer.

At uncertain times like now with all the terrorism, the most important thing is unity among everyone. When religion comes in to divide people, that is when we start falling and failing.
Let's pray.

Confused Clock

I have a confession to make here. Now dont laugh at me, you all hear?

Ok here goes, I cannot tell the time on a clock that has no numbers. I said dont laugh!

Argh! But its true. I need either a digital clock/watch or one which has all the numbers. on it. If there are no numbers, I just squint and stare hard at the watch. And more often than not, I end up flipping my handphone open to get the time.

I know its silly, but I have a few watches that have really funky faces and no numbers. So why do I use a watch I cant tell time with? Well, I dont know the reason why, I just try to make myself look smart :P

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Of Dogs and Nice

It is just past 12 am. The New Year has gone in a flash, and the second day has already begun. I wonder what I am going to achieve this year. The past year was filled with apprehension, new job, anxiety regarding my parents' health and a lot of worry. The only thing that remains the same each year is hope. Everyone of us hope that the year will be a fantabulous one, better than the previous year.
So, to everyone who reads this blog, Have a Great New Year filled with a lot of love, joy, laughter and hope. Cheers~

On a totally different note, my aunt has stayed over at our place for the past two nights. She is afraid of the puppy and keeps 'barking' at the puppy with commands like 'stop', ' no, sit!' , 'keep quiet' etc. After some time, the puppy actually began keeping away from her probably because my aunt's barking became nerve grinding.

I just don't understand something. She knows that there is a puppy here. If she doesnt like, why did she come and stay. Truthfully, I dont like my aunt (she is my father's sister). She has that high and mighty air about her which I loathe. Everyone else is basically beneath her (all my paternal relatives have this attitude), including dogs. Why cant some people just be nice for once? Maybe that should be her resolution for the year...